OneKind blog

OneKind Magazine launched

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
23 April 2010

We are delighted to announce the launch of our exciting new supporter magazine, OneKind. Packed with updates on our animal campaigns it's a must read...

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And I would walk 500 miles… for Esme

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21 April 2010

Just over 3 weeks ago, I made the 5 hour train journey from Edinburgh to London- my purpose? To meet my newest friend Esme. She’s a (roughly!)...

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Keeping solidarity with King John’s Castle at the Grand National

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
14 April 2010

What in the name of Robin Hood's quill am I on about? King John's Castle is the name of a horse that ran at the Grand National last weekend. Well when...

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Vietnam’s dogs make pedigree chums

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
30 March 2010

Remember when you were a kid and you went on holiday, and you were really looking forward to it, then you'd get all excited and pack far too early,...

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Pamper yourself OneKind

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24 February 2010

Just as we were beginning to rejoice at the (slightly!) brighter mornings and evenings it decides to snow! I don’t know about you but I am...

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Rabbie Burns: well-versed in OneKind?

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
27 January 2010

For millions of people around the world the 25th of January means one thing - the birthday of Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns. It may be...

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Avatar just the tonic if you’re feeling blue

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
19 January 2010

James Cameron's latest film has probably now been written about more times than I've eaten Linda McCartney pies. However, my tuppence worth on this...

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Even Scrooge was OneKind… in the end

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23 December 2009

Ooh it’s snowing!! And it has been since Thursday past, day one at The Edinburgh Ethical Christmas Fair. Heléna and myself were frozen...

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This little micropiggy stayed at home

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
09 December 2009

Question. When is a pig not a chop? Answer. When it’s a Micropig. I should really be celebrating the fortune of birth that this latest entry to...

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Every little thing inspires

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18 November 2009

‘Every Little Thing She Does is Magic’ by The Police always brings a smile to my face. I remember how our Staffordshire Bull Terrier Patch...

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead