And I would walk 500 miles… for Esme

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21 April 2010
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Just over 3 weeks ago, I made the 5 hour train journey from Edinburgh to London- my purpose? To meet my newest friend Esme. She’s a (roughly!) seven year old Staffy girl, who has obviously been used for breeding – for she has mammary glands to rival a glamour girl- and was found as a stray in Croydon in January this year. So to cut a long story short..

I make no secret of how much I love dogs, in particular my beloved Staffies. We have two pampered lumps back home in Derry; the only dangerous thing they’re capable of is omitting pungent gasses after dinner. When I moved to Edinburgh last summer I found a gaping big dog-shaped hole in my life, and after starting work here at OneKind, I began to look into fostering.

So I’m sitting in my flat in February, after some transatlantic negotiations with our American landlords, and I receive an updated copy of the flat lease- the term “permitted to have one dog” beaming up at me. Yes! I was so happy.

I scan websites every day and hear about dogs through rescue volunteer work, and put a lot of thought into finding a suitable canine match for my situation. I came across “sweet, sociable Esmerelda” online, and my heart melted at this wee two-tone red and white face, with the biggest kindest smile. I got in contact with the rescue All Dogs Matter, and found out a bit more about her. She had been in kennels for 3 months, with no enquiries. Do you know when you just get a really special feeling about something? Well this was one of those occasions. I couldn’t resist her and offered her a foster home.

I’ll never know how I concentrated on anything in the week leading up to meeting her. It was so exciting getting everything ready and I proudly sent an email round to everyone with her picture. The office was buzzing for her arrival!

On Sunday 28th March, I did the round trip from Edinburgh to London and back to bring Esmerelda to her new home. I had a bag packed full of poop bags, wipes and other essentials in case of any disasters, but thankfully she was so good. The next day she met the other office dogs and since then we’ve been settling into a new routine. She has been an absolute star- a real ambassador for her breed, the perfect housemate and a lovely big sister to my four guinea pigs.

I really marvel at the ability of our canine friends to love us unconditionally. Esme, as she is now known, has been through a lot yet her favourite place is wherever people are. From the sticking plaster she was on the first night, every day I see her step out more and more into her little character. She has a cheeky side and loves to use her voice when she wants something (OneKind we are). Admittedly it’s nice having a little shadow, but I’m pleased that now she sunbathes in every part of the office and talks to her pals Paddy, Buster and Tula. She has even helped to socialise a one year old bullmastiff, the gorgeous Barney. Once abandoned, she is now surrounded by friends and loved so much. Our CEO is her biggest fan, and my aunt’s coming over from Ireland just to visit her next weekend!

She has brought her foster-dad and I so much happiness, and although I’m looking after her, I really believe she’s looking after me. And so in honour of Esme’s newly Scottish status, I quote the Proclaimers: “...when I’m dreaming, yes I know I'm gonna dream, Dream about the time when I'm with Esme.”

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