OneKind blog
Category: lifestyle
Should you be allowed to mutilate your dog for your hobby?

26 May 2017
We don’t think so, but that’s exactly what the Scottish Government is proposing. In 2007 Scotland took a big step forward and banned all...
Facebook rules let animal abuse slip through the net

22 May 2017
Scrolling through your newsfeed on Facebook is something that we all do multiple times a day, but did you know that Facebook’s lack of a robust...
Animal welfare announcements: glass three-quarters full

11 May 2017
It has been a long time coming, but today is the day that the Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (Scotland) Bill starts its progress through the...
The Scottish legal system is failing our wildlife

08 May 2017
Last week, RSPB Scotland released a shocking video. It shows a hen harrier flushed from her nest and shot in mid-air. The perpetrator then seeks to...
Let’s see some real commitments to animals this election

20 April 2017
The Scottish public care deeply about animal issues. Last year in the run op to the Holyrood elections OneKind and our partners in the More for...
New investigation exposes horrifying cruelty suffered by Scotland’s farm animals

19 April 2017
Breaches in farm animal welfare in Scotland have long been a serious issue in abattoirs across the country. Following an investigation by The Ferret...
New animal welfare measures fail Scotland’s dogs

06 October 2016
Let’s start with some good news. Animal welfare is on the Scottish Government’s agenda and already two very positive initiatives have been...
More for Scotland’s Animals at Holyrood

03 October 2016
Last week the More for Scotland’s Animals coalition put on an event in the Scottish Parliament sponsored by Christine Grahame MSP to look at...
Freeing a fox suffering in a snare was compassion – not a crime

13 September 2016
We encourage anyone who finds a snare to report it to our website SnareWatch aims to build the evidence base behind snaring and...
OneKind celebrates Scotland’s commitment to ban wild animals in circuses

06 September 2016
In its new proposed programme for Government 2016/17, the Scottish Parliament has pledged to introduce a Bill this session to end the use of wild...