OneKind blog
Category: campaigns
Reactions to the weakening of the tail-docking ban

22 June 2017
OneKind Campaigner Sarah Moyes gives the lowdown on the tail-docking vote, the reaction and what’s next. [View the story "Reactions to the...
Five misleading arguments being used to justify weakening Scotland’s tail-docking ban

20 June 2017
Last week, MSPs on the Environment Climate Change and Land Reform (ECCLR) Committee concluded their debate over the Scottish Government’s...
Stink Pits Stink

13 June 2017
This week, the Scottish Parliament will debate the use of stink pits in a motion put forward by Christine Grahame MSP. The Stink Pits Stink debate...
Dirleton Dog Show 2017

07 June 2017
OneKind recently went along to the Dirleton Dog show where we got to meet lots and lots of lovely dogs and their humans. Here are pictures of all the...
How is animal welfare treated in in the #GE2017 manifestos?

02 June 2017
Theresa May’s declaration of support for fox hunting and her commitment to a vote on the repeal of the Hunting Act in England and Wales has been...
A fox, a cat, a badger – 3 recent snaring cases that alone justify a ban

05 May 2017
It’s peak snaring season in the British countryside. Snares are used throughout the country, mostly to target foxes to protect gamebirds. This...
Scotland Bill to ban wild animal circuses comes closer

07 April 2017
Scotland could be a wild-animal-circus-free zone by next summer. OneKind understands that the Scottish Government Bill to ban the use of wild...
OneKind talks fox hunting and snares at the SNP conference

21 March 2017
Sarah Moyes, Onekind’s new campaigner, blogs on her experience representing OneKind at the SNP conference last week. Last week, I headed...
Snaring mountain hares ends because of ‘unnecessary suffering’

17 March 2017
For years, OneKind has argued that snaring mountain hares should be banned. Both because of the suffering it causes and the impact it could be having...
Scotland has a hare coursing problem. Here’s how to stop it.

15 February 2017
Hare coursing is an illegal bloodsport that involves chasing and killing hares with dogs. These dogs are usually ‘sight’ hounds, i.e. dogs...