Pamper yourself OneKind

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24 February 2010
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Just as we were beginning to rejoice at the (slightly!) brighter mornings and evenings it decides to snow! I don’t know about you but I am certainly ready for a pick-me-up. With all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, adjusting to life back at work and avoiding a dreaded cold, I can feel it all catching up with me.

In the evenings, after removing a layer or five of outer-wear, I put the kettle on and carry my duvet into the living room to indulge in some TV. I bet you’d agree that there are few things better than sitting cosily on the sofa, safely tucked away from the elements. I find this weather can be quite harsh on my skin, so a real treat is Saaf Organic Hydrating Face and Lip Balm. It has a lovely fresh, clean scent and gives me a much-needed moisture boost, after hovering near various heaters and radiators during the winter. Saaf also have a gorgeous Organic Foot Softening Balm, which is very soothing. I find it best when put on last thing at night and then left to sink in for the morning. Saaf is one of the companies which very kindly donated a prize for the OneKind draw at Girls’ Day out last October, and it's featured in our OneKind living section- There are special discounts for OneKind supporters on fantastic animal-friendly products, such as Naturisimo and BareFaced Beauty, so do check it out!

At the end of a cosy night in when I’m ready for bed, I make sure I say goodnight to my four guinea pigs. There is no cuter sight than Mosby, Marshall, Pixel, and Barney snuggled in tight to each other in their wee log cabin. We definitely are OneKind- we enjoy our heat and home comforts!

Granted, we don’t always have time to pamper ourselves but it’s good to recharge the batteries a little every now and again. It may just be a hot shower or meeting a friend for a cuppa. How do you unwind during the winter months? Leave us a comment below!

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