OneKind blog
Category: animals
What will the next Scottish Government do for animals?

19 April 2016
It’s almost election time in Scotland, so last week OneKind, working in partnership with Blue Cross, Cats Protection, the League Against Cruel...
No place for polar bear breeding in Scotland

19 February 2016
Polar bears are awesome animals. In the wild, they roam enormous areas of the Arctic, with natural ranges that are on average considerably larger the...
New chapter in circus saga

11 February 2016
OneKind urges MPs to take every chance stand up for circus animals and press for these outmoded entertainments to be consigned to history, once and...
Dam poor show on Tayside - OneKind calls for immediate protection for beavers

02 February 2016
Disturbing information has emerged over the last week about the killing of beavers in the Tayside area leading us to call for urgent protection for...
Fox hunting review – a welcome step towards a ‘more civilised’ Scotland

29 January 2016
Scotland's fox hunting review is not political posturing as some have claimed. It's an important step forward in addressing the fact that we have a...
My vegan inspiration

03 December 2015
Like most people, as a child, I had a soft spot for animals, between taking home the odd stray cat, dog or occasional mouse and speaking out against...
Remember them all

08 November 2015
At a time of year when we think about those who have fought and died in conflict, more and more people are beginning to also acknowledge the sacrifice...
Seal licence regime must be strengthened

01 September 2015
Over two hundred “rogues” killed last year. Numerous press articles on seal shooting in the last two days, such as this by Rob Edwards in...
New WAWC is on the wild side

03 July 2015
Ground-breaking Wild Animal Welfare Committee launches. OneKind is delighted to welcome the public launch today of a new Committee devoted to...
Click to defend nature

23 June 2015
OneKind supports calls for the protection of Europe’s natural environment. The EU Birds and Habitats Directives exist to protect the most...