Every little thing inspires

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18 November 2009

‘Every Little Thing She Does is Magic’ by The Police always brings a smile to my face. I remember how our Staffordshire Bull Terrier Patch used to howl at the line “...and it’s always me that ends up getting wet.” Isn’t it funny that a dog can be so opinionated about music? I owe many things to Patch – from learning to walk by holding on to her back, to my infinite respect for all animals. She’s gone now, but she remains my inspiration. Every little thing she did for me was magic.

Each of us is inspired by different things in our life. Inspiration can come in any shape or form; be it a person, story or place. Recently I heard the story of Harriet Tubman, eloquently told by the wonderful Sally Baffour, founder of the adoption charity Thank U. Harriet was born into slavery in Maryland in the 19th century. Like so many, she was abused at the hands of slave-owners; yet, in her twenties she managed to escape to Philadelphia. Harriet couldn’t abandon her family; she returned and under the cover of darkness freed her relatives one group at a time. Using a network of antislavery activists and safe houses, known as the Underground Railroad, she eventually guided countless slaves to freedom.

Harriet’s story shows that one person can achieve so much. Take Matt Harding. He dances. He dances like an eejit. That’s what he does, all around the world. His video now has more than 25 million views. See for yourself at http://tinyurl.com/ye28tou Too often we refrain from doing or saying things because we fear what people might think. Matt Harding isn’t afraid of what people might think. He has brought a smile to so many faces. Eleanor Roosevelt once said “Do something every day that scares you.” I think that every little thing we do counts, that we can all make a difference – so never underestimate what you can do.

My inspiration continues. Tonight, I’m off to see Chris Packham at The Pavilion Theatre in Glasgow. I’ve watched him on television since I was wee. I am really excited! He’ll be telling quirky tales from the animal kingdom and there’s nothing like a good story-teller to inspire you!

Every day animals provide us with little (and big) things to keep us inspired. Without this motivation we would never chase our dreams. Like the rest of the Advocates for Animals’ staff, I am inspired by OneKind - I hope that OneKind is an inspiration to you.

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