OneKind Magazine launched

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
23 April 2010
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We are delighted to announce the launch of our exciting new supporter magazine, OneKind. Packed with updates on our animal campaigns it's a must read for animal lovers.

Current supporters for whom we have a valid address for will receive a copy through the post shortly. If you don't think we have your details, you can subscribe to OneKind here.

Featured in your Spring issue of OneKind

OneKind Manifesto - Campaigning for animal welfare always has a political dimension, but every four or five years, and election comes along and party politics kick in.

A better deal for seals - Thanks to OneKind supporters, seals will have more protection under a new Marine Act passed in February.

Campaigning for a snare-free countryside - A focus on the next stage of our campaign to ban snares in Scotland.

You'll also see some regular features such as Campaign shorts, OneKind Living (features on animal-friendly products), Get Involved and the Investigator's Diary.

Its fresh, it's informative, it's inspiring, it's OneKind. Subscribe here.

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