OneKind blog

Animals are amazing, don’t you think?

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07 October 2010

The diversity of the animal world is astounding. From the tiny ant to the mighty blue whale the rich variety of different animals is truly...

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New animal testing law approved: now let’s implement it

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08 September 2010

The European Union has today (8 September 2010) agreed new rules on the protection and care for animals used in experiments. The revised directive for...

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New education centre aims to improve animal lives

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
03 September 2010

We are delighted to welcome a new Centre of Excellence which will create a focal point for Animal Welfare Education across the globe. Improving the...

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Report aims to help wild-caught fish

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
27 August 2010

A groundbreaking new report Worse things happen at sea: the welfare of wild-caught fish has estimated that in the order of a trillion...

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Support for concerns over guga hunt

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
26 August 2010

OneKind welcomes the Scottish SPCA’s decision to speak out against the tradition of guga hunting, branding the ancient practice of taking and...

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Good news for horses: hot-branding to be ended in Scotland

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
16 August 2010

OneKind is delighted that the Scottish Government has confirmed that the hot-branding of horses and ponies is to be prohibited. Nine authorisations...

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Treat cloned animals with dignity

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
13 August 2010

Amidst the concern about food safety from cloned animals and the unease about non-natural reproduction, we need to remember that a cloned animal is...

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Support our woodland revolutionaries

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
12 August 2010

They may look cutesy wootsy but the animals in our animail application are a crack troop of revolutionaries fighting for their brothers and sisters in...

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Triumph for badgers

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
15 July 2010

This week came the good news that the cull of the Welsh badgers has been halted. Hurrah! There has been a real buzz about the announcement and what a...

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Our big chance to make Scotland snare-free

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
01 July 2010

Here at OneKind we're intent on finding lots of different ways to help people make a difference for animals, whether it be through lobbying...

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead