OneKind blog

Edinburgh Zoo culls Red River Hog piglets - Have Your Say!

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20 October 2010

Two infant red river hogs, named Sammi and Becca, have been culled at Edinburgh Zoo. The story has provoked outrage and we have been contacted by...

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“Cat in the bin” woman charged with animal cruelty

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19 October 2010

It has become arguably the most ‘notorious’ example of animal mistreatment in recent memory. Today, the RSPCA charged Mary Bale with an...

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SNP members demands compassion for wildlife

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18 October 2010

SNP members demand compassion for wildlife The campaign for a snare-free Scotland took an important step forward last weekend, as a packed fringe...

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SNP members shown the reality of animal snares

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16 October 2010

SNP delegates will once again discuss the suffering of animals caught in cruel snares at their annual conference. Today, a fringe meeting chaired by...

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Make cosmetics kinder now

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15 October 2010

OneKind has called on the European Commission to listen to the views of citizens and ensure that a full ban on cosmetics tested on animals is...

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Pret Reaching Higher Ground

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15 October 2010

Pret A Manger, the UK sandwich retailer, announced last week that it will source all chicken used in its products from higher welfare sources. The...

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OneKind Copper

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15 October 2010

A Scottish Policeman has been named Wildlife Law Enforcer of the Year by environmental charity, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Police Constable...

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New stats reveal we are still nation of animal lovers

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10 October 2010

New OneKind research says we still love animals but cruelty to animals is on the increase.87 per cent of the British public still believes we are a...

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Free the Martes martes!

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09 October 2010

I never quite know what I’m going to discover during my trips into the countryside. Hidden away in the woodlands and the more isolated areas of...

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Acting in the name of OneKind

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08 October 2010

I thought the first OneKind lifestyle blog should introduce you all to some of your fellow supporters, letting you know what they are doing to live an...

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead