Our big chance to make Scotland snare-free

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
01 July 2010
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Here at OneKind we're intent on finding lots of different ways to help people make a difference for animals, whether it be through lobbying politicians ahead of key legislation, through promoting an animal-friendly lifestyle or by volunteering your skills to the cause.

There's a buzz of excitement around the office right now as we're all set to launch our campaign to rid Scotland of snares once and for all, a campaign that will need the help of people like yourself who care about animals.

Later this year a new Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill will be making its way through the parliament, covering a wide range of issues, including the use of snares. We'll make sure that you have the chance to tell your MSPs how you think they should vote.

It's not going to be easy - the pro-snaring lobby is powerful, so we'll need to speak together as a group to ensure we are heard. We will have a clear and unambiguous message; snares are indiscriminate - killing non-target species and domestic animals, and they are cruel - causing untold pain to the animals they catch.

We also have economics on our side as recent research by the Scottish Government has show that wildlife tourism is worth more to the economy than 'consumptive' tourism, eg. shooting. We also know that some of the biggest landowners such as Scottish Natural Heritage, The John Muir Trust and the RSPB do not use snares. If they can live without them why can't everyone else.

Common sense is on our side. We also have the ethical arguments. It really is a great opportunity to bring benefits to countless animals. Lets not pass this up.

Together we can build up a large movement of people dedicated to outlawing the cruel practice of snaring; people like you and me, and we need to start building now to ensure that when the vote happens, many thousands of you will have the chance to put your point accross.

To build this community we've a few plans up our sleeves, one of which is a fun and quirky interactive online application which we would love you to pass on to as many of your friends as possible. To whet your appetite, I've put on a couple of screen grabs (see below), but I don't want to give too much away just yet.

I'm excited at the prospect of a Scotland that is free of snares; a Scotland that could lead the way for the rest of the UK. If you are too, sign up for our email updates, become a Facebook Fan or Follow us on Twitter to be part of the movement.

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