Support our woodland revolutionaries

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
12 August 2010
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They may look cutesy wootsy but the animals in our animail application are a crack troop of revolutionaries fighting for their brothers and sisters in the fields and forests of the UK.

Their uniforms are varied. Well actually, they do it all in the buff, a move which will no doubt send shivers down the spine of anyone unwise enough to cross their path.

However, they are peace-loving revolutionaries, fighting not with guns, swords or baseball bats but instead with rhetoric and some home-made placards. Placards hosting a simple message; snaring causes great pain and distress to their brothers and sisters and it needs to stop.

They want a snare-free country, a country where they can do their animal thang in peace.

So they need our help. We've been working with our forest friends and through a homemade translator device I made out of an old radio and a carrot, we've worked out a solution. Mano y animalo.

They may live in the forest and only have one black and white telly between them, but they've kept up to date with Scottish politics. It turns out a Wildlife Bill will be debated later this year and there's an excellent chance to get snares banned.

To make this happen though they need us to enlist more foot soldiers from the human race. The animals don't have a decent wi-fi connection, but most of us humans do. We can use the internet to spread their message by sending an animail featuring such woodland stars as Paul the Pine Marten and Betty the Badger to all our friends.

Then when our numbers are strong we can make our voice heard by the politicians and we can realise the dream of a snare free country.

So, will you join our revolutionary force? Doing it in the buff is strictly optional.

Send your animail now!

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