Animals are amazing, don’t you think?

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07 October 2010
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The diversity of the animal world is astounding. From the tiny ant to the mighty blue whale the rich variety of different animals is truly mind-blowing. 

African Elephants

Animals have evolved to live and flourish in every conceivable corner of the earth. To do this they have adapted: by becoming smaller, or bigger; by growing more legs or losing their legs completely; by growing wings or even fins. The physical differences between animals are endless.

Sentient beings

But there are also many similarities. In order to survive in the wild animals need to think. Increasingly science is showing what many people instinctively know, that, like us humans, other animals also have feelings. If you’ve ever got to know an animal such as a cat or a dog you will know that, like us, they are sentient beings with their own personalities. They can feel happy and excited, or sad and depressed. We're not that different. Humankind, animalkind, in so many ways we really are all OneKind.

Learning more every day

There is so much about the natural world that we have yet to discover. Every single day we are finding out more and more new things about animals. The more we study and observe them the more we learn and understand. The more we understand the more we admire. The more we admire the more we want to protect.

Re-connecting with animals

I have been captivated and enthralled by animals for as long as I can remember. In fact most of us can probably remember the feelings of awe we had about animals when we were children. Perhaps many of us also felt more compassion. I believe that by re-connecting with animals we can create a better world for all. To quote Scottish-born American naturalist and writer John Muir, “Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way.”

Come on our journey

I hope you will join us over the coming months on a magical journey exploring and celebrating the wonders of the amazing animals with whom we are lucky enough to share this planet. Humankind. Animalkind. OneKind.

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