Edinburgh Zoo culls Red River Hog piglets - Have Your Say!

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20 October 2010
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Two infant red river hogs, named Sammi and Becca, have been culled at Edinburgh Zoo.

Red river hog

The story has provoked outrage and we have been contacted by many media outlets to comment on the story. We also want to hear from you so please leave your comments on this blog.

The decision by Edinburgh Zoo is particularly ironic as the zoo used their birth last summer as positive publicity. The zoo says it is acting on the advice of the European Endangered species Programme (EEP) citing a surplus of the species.

OneKind believe it is wrong for these healthy, harmless animals to be killed Sadly, this sort of practice does take place in zoos; which will surprise many people who believe that zoos are all about keeping animals safe from harm. If zoos are genuinely concerned about the conservation and welfare of animals then they should endeavour to protect them in their natural habitat.

If the zoo was unable to care for these animals, they should have been offered to a wildlife sanctuary or an alternative home found for them.

There is a poll and commentary running on the Edinburgh Evening News website related to this story, please visit it and give them your point of view.

And don't forget to leave your comments here.

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