OneKind blog

Love, animally

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14 February 2011

Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to explore some of the weird and wonderful courtships rituals of animals.   While we poor humans often...

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Two grey seals

Sheep’s ears show how they feel

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08 February 2011

The fact that animals are sentient beings is fundamental to our concern for animal welfare. It is also acknowledged in EU law. Yet, despite the...

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It’s a tweeting OneKind miracle

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07 February 2011

On Thursday 3 February, OneKind initiated an online stand against potential culls of Red River Hogs at Edinburgh Zoo. This is the story of Save the...

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Adult Red River Hog in the wild

Still on the look out for seals

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02 February 2011

OneKind's Look Out for Seals campaign won greater legal protection for seals but shooting licence applications show the scale of the problem. Seal...

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Grey seal pup

‘greatest feeling ever’ says FireWalker Sharon

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01 February 2011

Volunteers? sure I'll find you some volunteers for the firewalk I told OneKind with only one week to go. There were two and a half thousand of us at...

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Sharon walking the walk for OneKind at Firewalk 2010

Border collie takes record for biggest vocabulary

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31 January 2011

A border collie recently set a new world record for non-human animals by learning the names of more than 1000 items.   Chaser can also categorize...

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Photo of a collie

OneKind supports 2020VISION

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24 January 2011

A picture can say a thousand words. That’s why OneKind is delighted to support the 2020VISION project.   2020VISION is the biggest...

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Capercaillie in the snow

Snaring decision must be evidence-based

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19 January 2011

Our thanks to all our supporters who wrote to their MSPs, asking them to attend last week’s briefing in the Scottish Parliament on the problems...

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Snared fox cub

OneKind receives MVA for They’re Here

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18 January 2011

It is awards season in the movie world. Most of the talk might be about The King's Speech, Blue Valentine and Black Swan. However, your favourite...

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Angus McInnes in They're Here

Don’t discount the staffy

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17 January 2011

We have a fantastic team here at OneKind Towers, everyone is supportive and we’re all working towards a better world for animals.   Two...

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Esme, the OneKind office staffy is fun loving and warm hearted

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead