Love, animally

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14 February 2011
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Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to explore some of the weird and wonderful courtships rituals of animals.


While we poor humans often have to make do with or last minute Valentine’s Cards and a bunch of limp flowers from a petrol station, animals have developed all manner of interesting ways to select or bond with their mate.

Courtship in the animal world can involve complicated dances, vocalizations, showing off, proving how fit or beautiful they are, or simply getting into a big brawl to impress the other half. Most animals prefer to conduct their courtship out of sight of humans, so it is often the least documented of animal behaviours. However, a quick tour of the web can reveal some astonishing footage of animals going all out to impress their future mate.

Male birds have evolved some of the most elaborate and beautiful natural costumes to attract a partner, as shown in this clip.

Other male animals that may be less impressive in the looks department use their ingenuity to appeal to females. Bowerbirds for example create unique colourfully-decorated shelters.

Once a mate is found, the courtship can begin. In birds this often takes the form of dance. One of my favourite dances is this elegant underwater ‘mirror dance’ of the weedy sea dragons.

You can’t help but smile in admiration at the dance of the Charke’s Grebe.

Those of us men who can’t compete with the dazzling displays or impressive dance moves shown by other male members of the animal kingdom to attract a mate might be reassured to learn that when it comes to impressing females of the human race, it seems looks are less important than ethics.

According to a recent survey two thirds of single women believe that the ethical stance of a romantic partner is more important than their looks. Ladies will be pleased to hear that over half of men, often criticised for being shallow and superficial, also agree that ethics are more important than looks.

It seems compassionate OneKind supporters of either sex may be the hottest property out there!

Whatever you choose to do today to impress a potential or existing mate I hope you have a happy OneKind Valentine’s Day. 

P.S. If you live in Scotland please show your members of the Scottish Parlaiment that you care (about animals) by sending them a special OneKind 'Love animals Hate snares' Valentine's card.

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