OneKind blog

Elephants cooperate and help each other

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08 March 2011

Elephants work together as a team and understand when they need help from a partner. This is the finding of a jumbo-sized experiment. In the test,...

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photo of mother and baby elephant

Chimps bond through laughter

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03 March 2011

Chimpanzees can share a joke just like any human but they are also capable of sharing a laugh even when they don't find something particularly funny,...

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chimpanzee eating

Snaring - a view from Holyrood

David Martin MEP's avatar
David Martin MEP
02 March 2011

OneKind is pleased to present a guest blog from Irene Oldfather MSP - a strong voice for animals in the Scottish Parliament. Today, Wednesday 2...

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Scottish parliament

When you inspire, you empower

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01 March 2011

In the last of our guest blogs in the run up to the snares vote in the Scottish Parliament, our CEO Fiona Ogg shares her vision for OneKind world. In...

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boy with dog

Tip of the iceberg I fear, but none the less a wee victory

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25 February 2011

On 24th February 2011 a gamekeeper was convicted in Forfar Sheriff Court of setting snares illegally. I had discovered these snares on a visit to a...

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Drag snare

Snaring - the vet’s view

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25 February 2011

With less than a week till the Parliament's vote on snaring, Glasgow vet and SNP member George Leslie explains why snares should be banned. TWO weeks...

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Snared cat

Dogs feel human emotions

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24 February 2011

We humans can empathise with other animals. When we empathise, we 'feel into' them and understand how they feel. Anyone who keeps an animal as a pet...

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smiling boy with dog licking his face

Into the dark, dark wood…

Bill Oddie's avatar
Bill Oddie
21 February 2011

I can’t say that shooting the Snares Uncovered film for OneKind was one of the more pleasant experiences I’ve ever had. This isn’t...

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Bill Oddie

We are the voice of the voiceless…

Lucinda Hare's avatar
Lucinda Hare
17 February 2011

Children's author Lucinda Hare gives her personal account of how growing up in the countryside gave her first-hand experience of the cruelty of...

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The day my Monty was caught in a snare

Jill Flye's avatar
Jill Flye
15 February 2011

In the first of a series of guest blogs building a portrait of the reality of snares, Jill Flye tells the story of her beloved dog Monty and the day...

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Monty the dog

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead