OneKind blog

Female baby chimpanzees play with ‘dolls’

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14 January 2011

Scientists have discovered that young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) play with toys in a similar manner to human children.   US researchers found...

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chimpanzee eating

Snaring - the fox’s tale

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13 January 2011

If ever we need reminded of why we need to pursue a full ban on snaring, we need only look at the victims. The New Year was less than two days old...

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Snared fox

Snares campaign reaches crucial stage

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12 January 2011

Regular visitors to the OneKind website know that we currently have an opportunity, under the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Bill, to do...

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Scottish Parliament

Edinburgh Zoo will bring giant pandas to Scotland

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10 January 2011

Edinburgh Zoo has today signed an agreement to bring two giant pandas to the zoo, the first giant pandas to be kept in the UK for 17 years. The Royal...

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Giant panda

Our special relationships with our furry friends

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07 January 2011

We have very special relationships with animals we keep as pets. I’m sure anyone who has had the privilege of sharing their life with a...

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man holding dog

What’s your OneKind Resolution?

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05 January 2011

It's that time of year again. We've all finished the nut roast, mince pies and fruit we have to make a resolution for the year ahead of...

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Man enjoying OneKind reconnection with his dog

OneKind Christmas with The Ethical Man (Guest Post)

The Ethical Man (guest blogger)'s avatar
The Ethical Man (guest blogger)
21 December 2010

When OneKind found out that Dan Mims (founder of The Ethical Man) was a supporter of our work, we thought it would be great to have all OneKind men...

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Dan Mims of The Ethical Man writes for OneKind as a guest blogger this Christmas

A turkey is not just for Christmas

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17 December 2010

Christmas is never a good time to be a turkey. Each year around 10 million turkeys are farmed and slaughtered in the UK alone to meet the demand for...

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Killing healthy wild animals not solution to invasive species

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15 December 2010

The Scottish Government has issued a report indicating that ‘alien’ or invasive species of animals and plants are costing Scotland...

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Grey squirrel

Share the wonder of animals this Christmas

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08 December 2010

Not sure what presents to buy for friends or family this Christmas? Why not choose gifts that will be appreciated and at the same time help to make...

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Dog and snowman

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead