OneKind supports 2020VISION

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24 January 2011
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A picture can say a thousand words. That’s why OneKind is delighted to support the 2020VISION project.


2020VISION is the biggest photography-based conservation project ever undertaken in the UK. 20 of the country’s top wildlife and nature photographers have for the first time, come together with leading conservation partners to document the value of restoring Britain’s fragmented ecosystems and the life-support services they provide.

It aims to communicate the link between the restoration of the UK's natural systems and our own well being. It does this using the motivational language of inspiring photography, a language in which everyone can find relevance. It’s education through inspiration!

Animals are an essential part of natural systems and wild animals feature heavily in the project’s photography. Becoming an official endorsing partner of the project allows OneKind to use its stunning photography to showcase and celebrate the wonders of the animal world. The wonderful photo of a capercaillie in the snow above, taken by Peter Cairns, does just this.

Each week we are adding a beautiful new photograph to our gallery of inspiring images. These photos often catch the animals behaving in interesting ways. Take for example the red fox skillfully leaping into the air ready to force its front paws down through the snow to catch small voles and the red deer stags aggressively locking antlers in a crucial battle to secure mating rights with the local females.

Or how about the red kites gathering in their dozens and circling at a regular feeding station or the alert short-eared owl patiently looking and listening for prey.

A healthy natural world is something we all depend upon so it makes sense for OneKind to support initiatives like 2020VISION, which communicate often-complex messages in a way that people can easily understand and relate to.

Pictures evoke feelings and we hope our involvement in this exciting project will help to inspire more people to protect the natural beauty that surrounds us all.

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