OneKind blog

All the fun of the unfair at Bobby Roberts’ Circus

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04 April 2011

Perth, summer 2009. I was watching a performance by Bobby Roberts Super Circus in a council park. I knew that the local authority did not permit the...

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Anne the elephant

The Human Circus

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31 March 2011

A circus, you’ve got to be kidding me. No way was I going to a circus, I mean do circuses even exist in this day and age? My memories are of a...

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circus performer

Celebrate Mothers’ Day with some amazing animals

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29 March 2011

To celebrate Mothers' Day this Sunday I thought we could share a few film clips showing some of the more unusual maternal bonds from the animal...

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lamb and ewe

Scotland must say no to wild animal circuses

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29 March 2011

“Ladies  & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, Welcome to our 2011 Tour” says the Bobby Roberts Super Circus...

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Anne the elephant

Seal sites must be listed

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24 March 2011

The days are lengthening, the clocks are about to spring forward, and it’s time to LOOK OUT for SEALS again.  OneKind is asking supporters...

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Grey seals on a sandbank

Monkeys show prejudice too

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21 March 2011

The tendency to view others as ‘us versus them’ isn't exclusively human but appears to be shared by our primate cousins, a new study...

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Macaque monkey with its mouth wide open

Dinosaurs rule – no more

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21 March 2011

When it comes to campaigning, I’m the office dinosaur. I’ve come late in life to the possibilities of social media and instant messaging...

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10 animal myths: separating fact from fiction

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14 March 2011

We have all heard claims that camels store water in their humps, ostriches bury their heads in the sand and the classic goldfish have three second...

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camel's head

Chickens feel another’s pain

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09 March 2011

Like other mothers, female chickens (hens) are known to be protective of their young. However, researchers have gained new insight into the...

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hen drinking water

Give OneKind your vote in YouTube Video Awards

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09 March 2011

Last year on 10th October OneKind released an inspiring short film about the amazing animals we share the planet with. It was called...

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Angus MacInnes stars in OneKind's film They're Here

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead