When you inspire, you empower

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01 March 2011
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In the last of our guest blogs in the run up to the snares vote in the Scottish Parliament, our CEO Fiona Ogg shares her vision for OneKind world.

snared fox

In October 2010, Advocates for Animals became OneKind. We felt that the animal welfare movement had to change and evolve to keep pace with the challenges of the modern world.

We have always been the voice of the animals, but the animals aren’t the problem. We need to put people at the heart of change. We know that animals think and feel and can be happy or sad just like us.

We are all OneKind - HumanKind and AnimalKind - and for the sake of our environment and to safeguard future generations it is vital that we find a way to create a more compassionate and sustainable world that reconnects people and animals.

As an organisation we want to inspire our supporters and to empower them to create lasting positive change. To paraphrase John F Kennedy, “One person can make a difference, and every person should try.”

Our campaign to make Scotland a snare-free country is a perfect example of you, OneKind supporters, getting involved and taking action. Over 1,000 OneKind supporters took part in our recent  e-mail campaign to lobby MSPs in January, and in time for Valentine’s Day over 1,000 special e-Cards were sent to MSPs via the OneKind website.

By using technology and social networking we are yielding incredible results. We are working more closely with supporters, listening to their needs and hopefully giving them the tools and resources they require to get involved.

I’d like to thank each and every one of you for supporting this crucial animal protection campaign and hope that we can continue to work together to improve the lives of animals. Together we really can make a difference.

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