Into the dark, dark wood…

Bill Oddie's avatar
Bill Oddie
21 February 2011
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I can’t say that shooting the Snares Uncovered film for OneKind was one of the more pleasant experiences I’ve ever had.

Bill Oddie and cameraman

This isn’t a slight on the nice people from OneKind or on the camera crew, but rather that, at the end of the day, I felt very depressed at witnessing a much darker side to the countryside I love.

And it didn’t half hurt my knees crossing all that rough terrain. Particularly as, I’m sad to say, it revealed the extent of snaring that takes place on a typical shooting estate.

My involvement with OneKind began when they asked me to lend my support to their new movement, (I had previously known the organisation as Advocates for Animals) and I’m pleased to support what I feel is a fresh approach to improving the welfare of animals.

I am concerned that we humans are at a risk of losing our natural bond with animals, and that really we are the root of the problem – our behaviours and our thoughtlessness – not the animals. As OneKind put it so succinctly we are actually all OneKind, we all think and feel and experience pain and joy, and things will only improve when we appreciate this.

I also felt that I wanted to take even more of a hands-on approach to campaigning for animals – something you may know I’ve spent a great deal of my life doing – and I hoped that by lending my support to the end snaring campaign I would make a real difference.

Well, OneKind tell me that my involvement has made a difference, which makes me very proud. Not only did the film prompt MSPs to ask for a cross-party debate on the issue, but over 4,000 supporters in Scotland took action to encourage their local MSPs to vote for an end to snaring.

I’ve also written to local newspapers in Scotland asking people to support the current Love Animals, Hate Snares campaign, some of which neatly tied into Valentine’s Day.

Please offer what support you can to the OneKind campaign to end snaring. Even if it isn’t possible to secure an outright victory this time, there have already been important concessions achieved by OneKind which still offer a real chance to bring this cruel and unnecessary practice to an end.

Please pass on the links to the Snares Uncovered film to friends and family, or take part in the Love Animals, Hate Snares campaign by making used of the resources on the OneKind website.

I truly believe that if we create a society that is more compassionate towards animals we will ultimately create a better world for ourselves and our children.

Watch Snares Uncovered, featuring Bill Oddie

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