OneKind blog

OneKind talks animal ethics with Andrew Linzey

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21 June 2011

Reverend Professor Andrew Linzey is one of the world's leading lights on animal ethics and our relationship with the other animals with whom we share...

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Andrew Linzey

Three top animal fathers

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17 June 2011

With it being the time of year we pay appreciation to our fathers I thought we’d celebrate some of the most impressive fathers in the animal...

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Emperor penguins

Teenagers – Fashion Conscious with a Fashion Conscience

Aimee Ritchie (Guest Blogger)'s avatar
Aimee Ritchie (Guest Blogger)
16 June 2011

OneKind is proud to present a guest blog by Aimee Ritchie who gives us a view of ethical fashion from a teenager's perspective. Today’s...

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Shopping bags

Our chance to make sure the UK doesn’t turn back the clock on cruelty

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16 June 2011

The UK Government has launched a consultation inviting views on protection for animals used in experiments in the UK.   Last year the European...

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Dolphins Use Double Sonar

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15 June 2011

Dolphins and porpoises use echolocation for hunting and orientation. By sending out high-frequency sound, known as ultrasound, dolphins can use the...

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Scottish Minister open to banning wild animal circuses

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13 June 2011

Scotland could “go it alone” and ban the use of wild animals in circuses.  And when there are so many happy human performers –...

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celebration of human circuses

OneKind hosts human circus at Holyrood

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
09 June 2011

On 9 June OneKind celebrated the talents of human circus performers with a demonstration of skills outside the public entrance to the Scottish...

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Clown at scottish parliament

Penguins coordinate movement to keep warm

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06 June 2011

Penguins are remarkable birds who manage to survive in some of the harshest of environments on earth. The survival techniques of Emperor penguins...

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Emperor penguins

Bees show signs of negative emotions

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06 June 2011

When people feel depressed or anxious, they are much more likely to see their glass as half empty rather than half full. Evidence of this same...

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bee on flower

OneKind interviews Jonathan Balcombe on The Exultant Ark

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03 June 2011

Jonathan Balcombe is an academic and also a successful author of a number of popular books about animals emotions: specifically animals' pleasure. To...

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Jonathan Balcombe

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead