OneKind blog

Animal experiments increase – again

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13 July 2011

Figures released today by the Home Office demonstrate that there is a still a massive – and growing – problem with the use of animals in...

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Monkey shouting

Edinburgh Zoo planning to host public animal autopsy

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13 July 2011

Edinburgh Zoo’s plans to host a second public animal autopsy, with members of the public being charged around £20 per head to attend, are...

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Entrance to Edinburgh Zoo

Sentient whales should be treated ethically

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11 July 2011

This is the message OneKind and the rest of the Whalewatch coalition are sending to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) which is meeting...

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sperm whale

Pigeons remember peoples’ faces

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04 July 2011

New research has shown that feral, untrained pigeons can recognise individual people and are not fooled by a change of clothes.   Researchers,...

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New technologies inspired by nature

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04 July 2011

From early days, the natural world has always inspired and informed humans’ ideas and inventions.   Over billions of years nature has...

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Happier orangutans live longer lives

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01 July 2011

Happier orangutans are more likely to live for longer, according to a new study.   A team of researchers in the UK and US devised a method...

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A OneKind message in song to Scottish Parliament

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30 June 2011

We don’t know who chose it, but OneKind is delighted that the opening of the new session of the Scottish Parliament (Friday 1 July) will include...

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MPs defy the government on circus ban

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24 June 2011

Tory MP Mark Pritchard may not have many friends left at Number 10, but he has drawn praise from public and politicians alike after standing firm on...

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annie the elephant

Chimps suffer mental illness in zoos

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23 June 2011

As they are our closest living relatives and so like us in so many ways, we would expect chimpanzees to experience the world in similar ways to...

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Parrots can reason

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22 June 2011

Parrots are known to be highly intelligent birds but until now it had not been proved that they can reason. We know that humans and other great apes...

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Red parrot

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