OneKind blog

Support the 8Hours campaign and reduce animal suffering

David Martin MEP's avatar
David Martin MEP
02 June 2011

OneKind is delighted to welcome David Martin, Scotland’s senior Member of the European Parliament, as a guest blogger. David Martin is...

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David Martin MEP

Fish ‘count’ in similar way to humans

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26 May 2011

According to a new study, fish can differentiate between quantities as large as 100 and 200. Surprisingly, they show similar numerical skills to...

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Seals’ whiskers detect fish size

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25 May 2011

Harbour seals can detect the fattest fish using just their whiskers, according to new research. Hunting in the North Sea, harbour seals, often known...

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harbour seal

Celebrities support OneKind’s Animal Tracks appeal

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24 May 2011

Did you know that 2,500 tonnes of CD’s are thrown away every year, while the average CD album is only ever played eight times? In response to...

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Animal Tracks logo

Mother and kid goats recognise each other’s calls

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20 May 2011

Mother and kid goats recognise each other's calls soon after the mothers give birth, new research has confirmed.   The study measured the...

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Baby goat

Chimps are self aware, just like us

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17 May 2011

Chimpanzees are self-aware and can anticipate the impact of their actions on the environment around them, an ability once thought by some people to be...

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Circus trick lets the animals down

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13 May 2011

UK Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman MP has today announced that the government will not ban the use of wild animals in circuses in England, but...

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elephant used in a circus

Whales have accents and regional dialects

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13 May 2011

Biologists interpreting the language of sperm whales have found that these mystical creatures of the sea have both accents and regional...

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sperm whale

Numbers game - Scotland’s shame

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10 May 2011

It will be an interesting documentary tonight by BBC Scotland's environmental investigators, ably assisted by our field research and investigations...

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Goshawk caught in cage

Fair game?

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10 May 2011

Earlier this year I went for a walk with the BBC to help them with a documentary about Scottish country shooting estates. During my walks on the...

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Finding a drag snare

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead