OneKind hosts human circus at Holyrood

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
09 June 2011
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On 9 June OneKind celebrated the talents of human circus performers with a demonstration of skills outside the public entrance to the Scottish Parliament building.

Circus performer and clowns with MSPs at parliament

Performers showed off their skills to the public and showing that animals do not need to suffer in the name of entertainment. Helium balloons have been very kindly donated by The Party Shack in Musselburgh for use at the event.

The event was timed to coincide with a Member’s Debate in the name of Elaine Murray MSP on the use of wild animals in circuses, at 5.00pm.

Dumfriesshire MSP Elaine Murray (pictured second from right above), who secured the debate, said:

”The current UK government has overturned the previous government's intention to legislate to ban the use of wild animals in circuses. The Scottish Government has the opportunity to lead the way on this issue.”

OneKind's Policy Director Libby Anderson said: “There are many circuses that do not use any animals in performance and we encourage people to go these.  But animal circuses, especially wild animal circuses, have had their day. 

“Scotland can take the lead in the UK by establishing once and for all that making animals travel long distances, suffer confinement and often harsh training methods, and perform meaningless tricks for entertainment is a thing of the past. It would be pointless and expensive for Scotland to consider a licensing scheme and we hope MSPs will opt for a simple, effective solution to protect animal welfare.”

There are many welfare concerns around the treatment of wild animals in circuses, including the methods used to train them, inadequate accommodation while travelling and the stress associated with constant touring during the circus season.

OneKind is opposed to all use of animals in circuses, where they can spend many hours cooped up in cramped and unsuitable transport or cages, but is focusing on wild animals which are the least suited to the circus life.

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We love human circuses, not animal ones

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