OneKind blog

English circus ban could also cover Scotland

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09 January 2013

The Scottish Government has suggested that the future ban on the use of wild animals in travelling circuses in England could be extended to cover...

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Circus elephant

EU and UK moves on live animal transport

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12 December 2012

The European Parliament has today supported an own-initiative report by Janusz Wojciechowski MEP on the protection of animals during transport. Every...

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animals being transported

Buying pets online not in the Christmas spirit

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06 December 2012

As the new Chief Executive of OneKind, one of the first issues I have had to confront is the massive trade in pets and other animals being sold over...

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Puppy at Christmas

MEPs vote to close shark finning loopholes

David Martin MEP's avatar
David Martin MEP
23 November 2012

MEPs have voted to close loopholes that allowed some EU fishing vessels to continue the cruel practice of "shark finning". OneKind Vice-President...

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European Parliament

Bird licences may allow new trap

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13 November 2012

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is reviewing the General Licences that allow for the taking and killing of wild birds in Scotland. Similar schemes...

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Remember the animals too

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09 November 2012

On a day when we will remember the millions of men and woman who have lost their lives in so many wars, we should also pay tribute to animals that...

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Soldier and dog

Scottish snaring legislation leaves animals to struggle and die

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30 October 2012

As a new Order to regulate the use of snares in Scotland comes before the Scottish Parliament Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment (RACCE)...

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Fox cub caught in snare

OneKind joins call for Foie Gras ban at Fortnum and Mason

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29 October 2012

OneKind has collaborated with some of the UK’s leading animal welfare organisations to speak out against Fortnum and Mason in a bid to end the...

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Goose being force fed

Join us for our Rock n Roll Party animal fundraiser!

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17 October 2012

It’s only a few more days until our very first ‘Rock n Roll Party’ for animals and are we looking forward to it! The idea for such...

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Rock n Roll Party

Oxford Theologian wants Animal Cruelty Offenders’ Register

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27 September 2012

A call for a National Animal Cruelty Offenders’ Register will be made later this month by Professor Andrew Linzey, director of the Oxford Centre...

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead