OneKind blog

North Ayrshire Council votes against animal circuses

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20 September 2012

The Scottish coastal town of Irvine yesterday saw the latest step towards making the UK free of travelling animal circuses. Above: Libby and Irene at...

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Anne the elephant

Sign petition for badgers

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13 September 2012

Badger shooting has now been given the go-ahead in parts of England. In light of this, Brian May has opened a petition to seek a parliamentary debate....

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Love pets?  Hate snares.

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29 August 2012

Animal protection charity OneKind will be taking the anti-snaring message to the Love Pets show in Edinburgh this weekend (1 and 2 September). While...

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For sale: one zebra, four horses and four camels

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23 August 2012

The Great British Circus has placed an advertisement in Horse and Hound to sell its trained zebra, horse and camel acts. According to an interview in...

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Billions of farmed fish need welfare rules

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09 August 2012

A significant new report by researchers Alison Mood and Phil Brooke Estimating the Number of Farmed Fish Killed in Global Aquaculture Each Year has...

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Fish farm

Steven Berkoff pledges birthday to end animal cruelty

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03 August 2012

Acclaimed British actor, writer and director Steven Berkoff has pledged his birthday today (3 August) to OneKind. Visit Steven's birthday giving...

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Steven Berkoff

Support needed to reduce experiments as new law published

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02 August 2012

The Home Office has published new draft regulations to implement the recent European directive 2010/63 EU on the protection of animals used in...

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Experiments on animals continue to rise

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10 July 2012

More than 3.79m scientific procedures were carried out on animals in 2011, according to the Home Office statistical report, published today. Despite a...

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Brown rat eating grass

Europe’s obligations towards animals highlighted

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09 July 2012

The European Parliament voted last week to support an important resolution drafted by Marit Paulsen MEP on the European Union Strategy for the...

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Transparency required over snare use in Scotland

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28 June 2012

OneKind believes snare users in Scotland should report their captures to the Scottish Government. OneKind is calling for a reporting requirement to...

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Fox caught in snare

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead