OneKind blog

Artificial Insemination (AI) used in quest for Scottish panda cubs

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22 April 2013

Artificial insemination was used on the two giant pandas held at Edinburgh Zoo this weekend.  To be fair, it was always known that these animals...

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Norway says ‘no way’ to pet reptile and amphibian keeping

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04 April 2013

Minister rejects trade recommendation to legalise reptiles and amphibians as pet. Wildlife protection organisations across Europe are applauding a...

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Chameleon on branch

Spring watch for illegal untagged snares

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28 March 2013

OneKind is calling on walkers in Scotland to look out for illegal snares after Easter, and report them to the authorities. From Monday 1 April, the...

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Scottish Lib Dem policy to oppose snaring

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18 March 2013

Youth movement sets the party on compassionate path Congratulations to Liberal Youth Scotland (LYS) – the youth section of the Scottish Liberal...

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fox at LibDem conference

Hurrah for Europe-Wide Ban on Sale of Animal-Tested Cosmetics

David Martin MEP's avatar
David Martin MEP
12 March 2013

OneKind Vice-President David Martin MEP gives his own personal welcome to this week’s ban on the sale of animal tested cosmetics. This is...

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David Martin MEP

Red letter day – no more lipstick tests

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11 March 2013

With a long history of campaigning against animal experimentation – we started life over 100 years ago as the Scottish Society for the...

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Mountain hare snare licences to be reviewed

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28 February 2013

Scottish Government confirms that the UK must report protected animals captured in snares.  Responses to parliamentary questions put by Christine...

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Empty snare

EU food chain must act to increase traceability

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14 February 2013

OneKind is supporting a call by Eurogroup for Animals to improve the traceability of meat and meat products, in the interests of animal welfare. In a...

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Close up of horse

Two thirds of snare users ignore training requirement

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31 January 2013

Less than one-third of current snare users have attended the training they require if they intend to continue setting snares in Scotland after 1 April...

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Fox cub caught in snare

Trish raises over £1000 to help save animals’ lives

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14 January 2013

OneKind would like to share the amazing achievement of animal lover and dedicated runner Trish MacKay from Inverness, who in her first year as a...

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Trish Mackay

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead