OneKind blog
Category: campaigns
Snaring and more on MSP agenda today

02 December 2010
Today’s Stage 1 debate on the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Bill offers MSPs their first chance in years to take a long hard look...
Leadhills conviction strengthens case for liability for estate bosses

17 November 2010
We at OneKind are very proud today of our investigations and field research officer, who played a pivotal role in securing the conviction of a...
No call for badger cull

12 November 2010
OneKind has submitted its response to a DEFRA consultation aimed at addressing the spread of bovine tuberculosis in the dairy cattle herd in England,...
OneKind welcomes stronger WANE Bill

03 November 2010
Employers will be held responsible for their employees' illegal actions in new proposals outlined by The Scottish Government to help tackle wildlife...
SNP members demands compassion for wildlife

18 October 2010
SNP members demand compassion for wildlife The campaign for a snare-free Scotland took an important step forward last weekend, as a packed fringe...
Make cosmetics kinder now

15 October 2010
OneKind has called on the European Commission to listen to the views of citizens and ensure that a full ban on cosmetics tested on animals is...
Support our woodland revolutionaries

12 August 2010
They may look cutesy wootsy but the animals in our animail application are a crack troop of revolutionaries fighting for their brothers and sisters in...
Triumph for badgers

15 July 2010
This week came the good news that the cull of the Welsh badgers has been halted. Hurrah! There has been a real buzz about the announcement and what a...
Our big chance to make Scotland snare-free

01 July 2010
Here at OneKind we're intent on finding lots of different ways to help people make a difference for animals, whether it be through lobbying...
Let’s give our ‘non-native’ species a sporting chance

17 June 2010
Nationalism is ok isn't it? During the world cup it is anyway. It's a time when you can unashamedly hang your flag out of your car window and shout at...