OneKind blog
Category: campaigns
Veterinary initiative to help people and animals together

26 April 2012
Two charming little Schnauzers – Lulu and Seven – and a sedate Border collie called Skye stepped into the limelight today as mascots for...
Animal welfare organisations refuse to take part in circus consultation

23 April 2012
OneKind has joined with other leading animal protection and welfare organisations in opposition to the UK Government’s continued pursuit of an...
The truth about farm assurance schemes

04 April 2012
OneKind has partnered with Compassion in World Farming to produce a new report, which aims to clarify the wide range of animal welfare labels...
EU Parliament supports 8 hours for animal transport

19 March 2012
A positive development for this key Europe-wide campaign concerning animal transportation. Written Declaration 49/2011, which establishes a maximum...
Circus licensing consultation: progress or procrastination?

01 March 2012
To paraphrase Mark Twain, news of the death of wild animal circuses in England may at best be said to be “exaggerated”. It would probably...
East Ayrshire Council bans animal circuses

09 February 2012
I'm Just back from Kilmarnock in East Ayrshire, where the council decided unanimously to ban circuses travelling with performing animals from its...
Seal licences reduce for 2012

02 February 2012
The Scottish Government has announced a drop in the maximum numbers of seals that may be killed under licence. Now it's time for a halt on all...
EU strategy fails to highlight benefits of animal welfare

19 January 2012
The EU’s new Animal welfare strategy published today, outlining the future actions proposed to improve the treatment and welfare of animals up...
Ask your MP to support animal circus EDM

12 January 2012
Westminster MPs continue to press the UK government to take action to ban the use of wild animals in circuses in Britain. OneKind welcomes the latest...
Take the Wildlife Challenge of a Lifetime

12 January 2012
Make 2012 the year you do something amazing for animals and sign up today to OneKind’s Thailand Wildlife Rescue Challenge. Have you ever...