Ask your MP to support animal circus EDM

John Robertson's avatar
John Robertson
12 January 2012
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Westminster MPs continue to press the UK government to take action to ban the use of wild animals in circuses in Britain.

Annie the elephant

OneKind welcomes the latest Early Day Motion (EDM), number 2563, sponsored by Jim Cunningham MP, the Labour member for Coventry South.   

"That this House, recalling its support for the motion approved at the backbench debate held on 23 June 2011, directing the Government to use its powers under section 12 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to introduce a regulation banning the use of all wild animals in circuses to take effect by 1 July 2012, recognises that despite unanimous support for the motion from hon. Members on a cross-party basis, the Government has been unclear in its willingness to listen to the will of the House; believes that a licensing system will not address the main welfare problems that circus animals endure and may inadvertently encourage a new era of wild animal imports for circus use; underlines that routine abuse against animals will continue to occur in circuses until there is an outright ban; and urges the Government to take immediate action to fulfil the will of the House by enacting a ban on wild animals in circuses."

Following last month’s news that the challenge to a ban on wild animal circuses was rejected by the Austrian Constitutional Court, there can now be no obstacles to this long-awaited reform. Please ask your MP to sign this motion and keep the momentum going.

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