East Ayrshire Council bans animal circuses

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09 February 2012
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I'm Just back from Kilmarnock in East Ayrshire, where the council decided unanimously to ban circuses travelling with performing animals from its land.

Horse in cage at circus

The Council had already decided, in 2008, not to allow circuses with wild animals to rent any of its parks or public spaces.

Two animal circuses - Zippo's and Bobby Roberts have visited Kilmarnock regularly in recent years. In future, however, they will not be able to bring performing animals with them.

Speaking on behalf of OneKind, Animal Defenders International (ADI) and the Captive Animals' Protection Society (CAPS), we told councillors: "We have no objection to circuses, when the performers are willing humans. 

"Non-animal circuses are becoming increasingly popular, and for that reason we hope that Kilmarnock will be able to welcome a circus like Zippo's in future, with its spectacular human acts.  But we don't think Kilmarnock would miss seeing horses standing on their hind legs, or budgies pulling little caravans across a table.

"The Council's existing policy reflects the widespread public view that it is unethical to impose stress, unnatural conditions and, in some cases, outright cruelty on sentient animals, simply in the name of entertainment. Unfortunately these concerns are not confined to wild animals and we very much welcome recognition of that fact."

Council members also learned of the frequent, extended travelling times that all circus animals undergo. Horses and ponies, normally social and gregarious animals are confined on lorries for long periods, and once in their stable tents are often tightly tethered in their stalls.

Local OneKind supporter Maureen Rankin, who has worked tirelessly to keep circus animal welfare on the East Ayrshire Council agenda, also attended the Council meeting, and was delighted with the decision.

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