OneKind blog
Category: animals
Love, animally

14 February 2011
Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to explore some of the weird and wonderful courtships rituals of animals. While we poor humans often...
Sheep’s ears show how they feel

08 February 2011
The fact that animals are sentient beings is fundamental to our concern for animal welfare. It is also acknowledged in EU law. Yet, despite the...
Border collie takes record for biggest vocabulary

31 January 2011
A border collie recently set a new world record for non-human animals by learning the names of more than 1000 items. Chaser can also categorize...
OneKind supports 2020VISION

24 January 2011
A picture can say a thousand words. That’s why OneKind is delighted to support the 2020VISION project. 2020VISION is the biggest...
Female baby chimpanzees play with ‘dolls’

14 January 2011
Scientists have discovered that young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) play with toys in a similar manner to human children. US researchers found...
Our special relationships with our furry friends

07 January 2011
We have very special relationships with animals we keep as pets. I’m sure anyone who has had the privilege of sharing their life with a...
A turkey is not just for Christmas

17 December 2010
Christmas is never a good time to be a turkey. Each year around 10 million turkeys are farmed and slaughtered in the UK alone to meet the demand for...
If a politician’s dog was caught in a snare…

03 December 2010
Would politicians vote for a ban on snares if their dog was unfortunate enough to get caught in one? This question crossed my mind whilst...
I’m an animal… get me out of here!

15 November 2010
The annual ‘I’m A Celebrity’ has kicked off once again. Which is bad news for the animals. Some people love the show, others hate...
Remember remember.. to check your bonfire for hedgehogs

04 November 2010
At this time of year hedgehogs just love to snuggle up nice and warm and safe in piles of leaves sticks. Unfortunately for these prickly wee...