OneKind blog

Project Nim movie review

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08 August 2011

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to communicate with another animal? If so, you’re not alone. From the Oscar and BAFTA winning...

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Project Nim poster

OneKind gets set for badgers as cull protest grows

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03 August 2011

I've just signed the 38 degrees petition to stop the plan to cull thousands of badgers next spring. You can take action here. According to one...

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Badger emerging from thicket

Animal Speak

Lucinda Hare's avatar
Lucinda Hare
01 August 2011

Top children's author and OneKind supporter Lucinda Hare has contributed a very special guest blog to coincide with the launch of Flight to Dragon...

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Court serves up a sad day for animal welfare

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28 July 2011

On 19 August 2009 I received a report about ex-circus animals living in poor conditions and rarely allowed out of their stables. I arrived at the...

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Pony in dark stable

Unnecessary primate use in experiments must end

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28 July 2011

Last year in Britain, 2,649 monkeys – marmosets, tamarins and macaques – were used in scientific procedures regulated by the Home...

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Monkey shouting

Animals returned to convicted owner

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25 July 2011

OneKind is disappointed by a Sheriff’s decision last week (22 July 2011) to return two ponies and a donkey to an owner convicted of...

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pony at dalhousie

Say NO to animal cloning

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21 July 2011

OneKind has signed the Declaration against cloning of animals for food launched by the EU lobbying coalition Eurogroup for...

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Sheep and lamb

Minister aims to reduce the use of animals in scientific research and end household product testing

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18 July 2011

The UK government has taken a step towards meeting its commitment to reduce testing on animals.  Home Office Minister Lynne Featherstone MP...

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Chimps used in experiments show signs of post-traumatic stress and depression

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15 July 2011

In humans, psychiatric conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder and major depression, are commonly diagnosed after acute, repeated, or...

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Over 30,000 calling for 8-hour limit on animal transportation

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14 July 2011

The good news is that over 30,000 Britons have signed the “8 Hours” petition calling for an end to the long-distance transport of animals...

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead