Animals returned to convicted owner

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25 July 2011
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OneKind is disappointed by a Sheriff’s decision last week (22 July 2011) to return two ponies and a donkey to an owner convicted of neglect.

Pony mistreated at Dalhousie

The OneKind Field Research and Investigations Officer reported the animals’ plight to the Scottish SPCA in August 2009, after he visited the steading near Dalkeith, Midlothian where they were being kept.

The OneKind officer found four ponies, two llamas and a donkey, living in darkness in a shed without lighting or heating.  A dead llama was seen outside, apparently waiting to be buried.

On a second visit, the OneKind officer spoke to the owner and learned that he was a former circus owner.  He told the officer that none of the animals ever went out of the steading. This, he said, was because the paddock did not have a strong enough fence to contain the animals, especially the llamas. 

The Sheriff’s decision to return the animals came after a medical report said that the owner was fit to care for the animals.  No fine was imposed.  When the animals were removed two years ago, two ponies were humanely destroyed due to their condition.  The llamas were never removed from their owner and no prohibition on owning llamas has been imposed.

And so, after two years of being cared for by the Scottish SPCA, these animals are to be returned to an owner who has been convicted under animal welfare legislation.  OneKind is not interested in punitive measures but we believe that in all such cases, a ban on keeping animals should be the automatic penalty. 

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