OneKind blog

OneKind launches 100 for OneKind

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25 June 2012

OneKind, together with Young Scot, is launching the 100 for OneKind fundraising competition for 18 to 26 year olds. 2012 marks OneKind’s 100th...

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Snares training order approved

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21 June 2012

A Scottish Parliament Committee has approved gamekeeping organisations to train people in the use of snares. The Rural Affairs, Climate Change and...

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a snare in the woods

Traps in our countryside, a walker’s guide 2013

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11 June 2012

The countryside can be a place of tranquility and is where many of us escape to for some peace, as well as a chance to appreciate the natural beauty...

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Goshawk caught in cage

A OneKind message from Alesha Dixon

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Alesha Dixon
01 June 2012

I’ve always been passionate about animal welfare and I’m lucky enough to share my life with three wonderful rescue dogs - a Collie called...

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Lobbying helps retain protection for lab animals

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21 May 2012

New measures governing the use of animals in scientific procedures were set out by the UK government on 17 May. The measures are being introduced to...

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Monkey looking at us

Commodities, clones and sentient beings

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15 May 2012

European Commission must ban animal cloning for food production Following publication of a consultation on measures on animal cloning for food...

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Veterinary initiative to help people and animals together

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26 April 2012

Two charming little Schnauzers – Lulu and Seven – and a sedate Border collie called Skye stepped into the limelight today as mascots for...

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Poster for Domestic Abuse Veterinary Intervention

Animal welfare organisations refuse to take part in circus consultation

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23 April 2012

OneKind has joined with other leading animal protection and welfare organisations in opposition to the UK Government’s continued pursuit of an...

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Winter weather brings tragedy - again

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18 April 2012

OneKind supporter Maurice Gray has been campaigning for years to cut the death toll on Scottish sheep farms in winter.  Last week (10 April)...

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The truth about farm assurance schemes

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04 April 2012

OneKind has partnered with Compassion in World Farming to produce a new report, which aims to clarify the wide range of animal welfare labels...

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead