A OneKind message from Alesha Dixon

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Alesha Dixon
01 June 2012
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I’ve always been passionate about animal welfare and I’m lucky enough to share my life with three wonderful rescue dogs - a Collie called Roxy, a Pointer called Daisy and a Cocker Spaniel named Rosy. They have so much personality, and are perfectly capable of feeling joy and anxiety, happiness and loneliness just like us.

My dogs came from owners who could no longer care for them, and while I’m happy to have given my pets a new home and lots of love, many other animals are not so fortunate.

Taking care of animals and addressing their needs is a huge responsibility and I think it is important that young people are taught about animal welfare from an early age. That’s why I’m supporting OneKind’s ambitious new appeal aimed at creating a better understanding of animals in the next generation.

By 2020, OneKind wants to visit all 21,000 primary schools in the UK, to talk directly to 4.9 million children about animals’ thoughts and feelings, to inspire every child in the UK to change the world for animals.

OneKind believes, and I agree, that greater empathy amongst young people towards animals will create a more compassionate society for all of us to live in.

Sometimes, when friends and family ask what you would like for your birthday, it can be difficult to think what you really need. Here is chance to do something truly special with that special day.

This is why I have donated my birthday to the One Day for OneKind appeal.

Giving up one day to help create a world where animals are treated with more compassion and respect seems such a small sacrifice to make.

I would love you to support me by visiting my Virgin Money Giving page or better still to pledge your own birthday to help animals. Even if your birthday has passed for this year, you can sign up now to take part next year.

OneKind will give you lots of help and advice, just click here and sign up.

To those of you who have donated to my birthday appeal, and to those who have pledged their own birthdays already I want to say a huge heartfelt thank you. You’ve taken your day and made it something wonderful for children and for animals.

Love and birthday wishes,

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