OneKind blog
Category: news
Circus licensing consultation: progress or procrastination?

01 March 2012
To paraphrase Mark Twain, news of the death of wild animal circuses in England may at best be said to be “exaggerated”. It would probably...
Your support is helping homeless pets

23 January 2012
The recent OneKind appeal to support free veterinary clinics for homeless pets brought a great deal of seasonal cheer to the animals, their companions...
8Hours petition reaches it’s one million signatures target

09 January 2012
The millionth signature arrived on the website on the 30th December 2012, a fantastic conclusion to a massive mobilisation of European...
Street Pets - Helping vulnerable animals this winter

05 December 2011
Today we are delighted to welcome a guest blog from Dr Andrew Gardiner from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh, on the...
“Greatest crowd-pullers on earth” touch down on Sunday

01 December 2011
This Sunday sees the long-planned arrival in Scotland of the giant pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang, destined for a ten-year stay in Edinburgh Zoo,...
Celebrating our Centenary

30 November 2011
OneKind works to protect animals throughout the UK, and beyond. But being based in Edinburgh, we do like to celebrate our Scottish background...
Take A Photo Of Your Pets To Save The Animals In Fukushima

28 November 2011
The California-based Hachiko Coalition has launched an original new campaign to save pets and livestock left in desperate circumstances around...
Remembering Animals in War - Lucinda Hare

11 November 2011
To mark Remembrance Sunday we are pleased to share this very special guest blog by author Lucinda Hare, which reminds us that not all of the sentient...
8Hours: Deadline extended as campaign gets close to target of 1 million signatures

02 November 2011
The exciting news is that 8Hours the EU-wide campaign, which aims to bring to an end the long-distance transportation of farmed animals for slaughter,...
Grey seal slaughter figures soar in Scotland

18 October 2011
Figures published this month by the Scottish Government show that more seals were killed under licence in the second quarter of 2011 than in the...