Take A Photo Of Your Pets To Save The Animals In Fukushima

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28 November 2011
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The California-based Hachiko Coalition has launched an original new campaign to save pets and livestock left in desperate circumstances around Fukushima in Japan.  OneKind is proud to host the following appeal from Coalition supporter Nathalie Alduc.

(Pic: courtesy of Hoshi Hiroshi)

On March 11th, the north east coast of Japan was hit by a triple disaster: a magnitude 9 earthquake, a devastating tsunami and a nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Over 20,000 people and thousands of animals perished. From March 12th, around 80,000 residents were forced to evacuate without their pets, believing that they would be back within a few days.

On April 22nd, the government enforced a strict 20 km exclusion zone around the nuclear plant, putting an end to the rescue efforts and condemning pets and farm animals to starvation. Before the tsunami, it is estimated that over 10,000 cats and dogs, over 675,000 farm animals as well as horses, ostriches and other “exotic” animals lived in the area.

As it appeared that the government intended to let the animals starve to death, small groups of Japanese and foreign volunteers (in particular, Hoshi Hiroshi, a Tokyo businessman & his family, and Charles Harmison and his partner Yoshiko Wada) have since early May been braving the police and radiation and illegally entering the exclusion zone to rescue and feed the animals, often at the request of desperate pet owners. Day and night, they rescue cats, dogs, reunite some with their families, have others adopted, and leave trails of food and water points to keep them alive until an evacuation is allowed and suitable shelters found to house them.  Each rescued animal is checked and treated by a vet and, although many are in a pitiful state, decontamination is not usually required.

Unfortunately, despite their tireless efforts and dedication, hundreds of animals have already starved to death or succumbed to injuries and neglect.

(Pic: courtesy of Hoshi Hiroshi)

Despite the thousands of Japanese and foreign petitions and emails expressing disbelief, anger and indignation, the Japanese government continues to refuse the rescue of the trapped animals. Worse, since September, they started the culling of cows.  Local volunteers who witnessed some of this culling report that it was carried out by injection of muscle relaxant or even detergent, causing a long and painful agony.

Winter is coming, the security and police checks are tightened hindering the rescues inside the zone and arrests are increasing: the animals have survived an earthquake, a tsunami, radiations and starvation but time is running out for them.

In order to raise awareness and put pressure on the Japanese government, the Hachiko Coalition is asking all of us, citizens of the world, to take a photo of our pets and add a message asking that the Fukushima animals be saved. Citizens of Japan, France and the US have enthusiastically sent their photos and they are now being joined by countries such as Brazil, Belarus, Australia, Italy, the UK and others. Every day, Nancy Gothard, of Hachiko Coalition, sends the photos by email, courier, fax and Twitter to eleven Ministries, the National Diet, the Emperor of Japan and Fukushima Prefectural officials.

Please, take part in the campaign and send your photos (jpeg format) with your name, city and country to nancy@hachiko-coalition.org

(Pic: courtesy of Hachiko Coalition)

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