OneKind blog
Category: campaigns
Tory MP the dog’s b*llocks for raising electric shock collar issue in Parliament

30 January 2014
Campaigners like me work tirelessly to push animal welfare higher up the priority list on the political agenda but understandably there will always be...
Scottish Government consults on wild animals in circuses in Scotland

22 January 2014
OneKind is pleased to see the newly-published consultation from the Scottish Government, asking “Should the use of wild animals in travelling...
Lord Houghton Award

06 December 2013
OneKind last night presented the Lord Houghton Award for Services to Animal Welfare to David Martin MEP in recognition of decades of commitment and...
Call for Fortnum & Mason to be stripped of Royal Warrants over vile foie gras

22 November 2013
Foie gras (literally “fatty liver”) is produced by force feeding ducks and geese a mixture of maize, salt and fat, two to three times a...
OneKind welcomes Committee decision to prod Minister over circuses

12 November 2013
OneKind welcomes Committee decision to “prod” Minister over circuses. The Public Petitions Committee of the Scottish Parliament today (12...
Help homeless pets this Christmas

05 November 2013
Would you like to help homeless pets this Christmas? OneKind will be collecting donations of food, treats, toys, bedding, food bowls and non-leather...
UK Government to proceed with full ban on wild animals in Circuses

25 October 2013
We were delighted at the news that the UK Government intend to proceed with the full ban on the use of wild animals in Circuses in England. Like...
It’s time to ban Snares

03 October 2013
Cruel, indiscriminate, primitive – and legal. Why? As the pheasant shooting season gets underway this month, OneKind is launching a high...
UK pet sales law past its sell-by date

04 September 2013
OneKind supports new internet advertising initiative. The Pet Advertising Advisory Group (PAAG), of which OneKind is a member, has today launched...
OneKind’s Campaigning Priorities

15 August 2013
Focussing on less means we can achieve more OneKind is a relatively small organisation and has to prioritise its focus of work with a view to...