UK Government to proceed with full ban on wild animals in Circuses

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25 October 2013

We were delighted at the news that the UK Government intend to proceed with the full ban on the use of wild animals in Circuses in England.  Like many right minded people in July we were shocked to discover that the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) committee had recommended watering down  government proposals to ban wild animals 

Had the Committee’s proposal been accepted only Elephants and Big Cats would have been banned. The committee came to their conclusion despite the fact a public consultation in 2009/2010 which asked the question: “Do you think that there are any species of wild animal which it is acceptable to use in travelling circuses?” came back with a resounding 95.5% of respondents answering “No”. The committee tried to second guess why respondents voted the way they did. Thankfully Government Ministers have held firm and will proceed with a Bill that will ban zebras, camels, racoons, snakes, birds and any other wild animals circuses might wish to use in the future.

Whilst OneKind believe there is no place in circuses for any animal, we welcomed the original Bill as a step in the right direction by banning Wild Animals in Circuses in England. We encouraged supporters to take action by emailing the responsible DEFRA Minister, Lord De Mauley. Thanks to your action, and the action of other animal charities, the UK Government have listened and they intend to proceed with the full Bill

In campaigning for animal welfarewe usually find ourselves criticising governments, it's the natural position for camapigners. But this time we praise them for holding fast. In prasing them we thank you though, your actions helped make a difference and we look ford to seeing a Bill becoming law that outlaws wild animlas in English circuses. 

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