OneKind blog
Category: campaigns
The joy of pets

24 February 2015
What quality of life do you think a tarantula has in Taunton? Or what kind of habitat a python has in Perth? OneKind believes that laws across the UK...
Exotics trade is rough on animals

15 February 2015
What do you think when you hear the word “pet”? Do you think “dog” or “cat”? Or, in a wider sense, a...
FAWC recommends comprehensive uptake of CCTV in slaughterhouses

04 February 2015
This week has produced yet another devastating exposé of cruelty to animals in a UK slaughterhouse - another piece of outstanding work by...
Victories in fight against wildlife persecution

13 January 2015
It always strikes me as a bit odd that when we talk about crimes against wildlife we always refer to them as ‘wildlife crime’. Why not...
Member States sign joint declaration on animal welfare

16 December 2014
OneKind welcomes the Animal Welfare Declaration signed this week by Sharon Dijksma, the Dutch Minister of Agriculture; Christian Schmidt, the German...
Dogs and People: new thinking required

04 November 2014
The Scottish Government has published its analysis of the responses to a consultation on responsible dog ownership in Scotland. The consultation...
Not so cheap and easy at £865!

28 October 2014
The pro-snaring lobby go to great lengths to put a good old glossy PR spin on their need to retain snares as a part of their ‘toolkit for the...
Join the fight against unscrupulous pet ads

29 September 2014
OneKind is calling on internet users to join the fight against unscrupulous pet sales adverts. Earlier this year, in just six months over 100,000...
Progress on circus bill – let’s keep up the momentum!

03 September 2014
Please take one minute to support the 10 Minute Rule Bill This morning, the House of Commons paved the way for a Bill that could ban the use of wild...
Grouse shooting opens to industry spin

12 August 2014
The press and media are full today of predictions of a bumper year for grouse shooting, as the season opens. Plenty of healthy well-feathered...