Progress on circus bill – let’s keep up the momentum!

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03 September 2014

Please take one minute to support the 10 Minute Rule Bill


This morning, the House of Commons paved the way for a Bill that could ban the use of wild animals in travelling circuses in England.  The Wild Animals in Circuses Bill was introduced by Glasgow-born Labour MP Jim Fitzpatrick, a former Minister at the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

The Ten Minute Rule Bill (a form of Private Member’s Bill) was able to proceed to Second Reading, which may take place as soon as this Friday.
OneKind has joined fellow animal welfare groups such as ADI, Animal Aid, British Veterinary Association, CAPS, Four Paws, PETA, RSPCA and World Animal Protection in calling on the Prime Minister to end the suffering of wild animals in British circuses by supporting the new Bill.  We also sent a briefing round Scottish MPs to point out that the heel-dragging by the Westminster government not only affects progress in England, but has a knock-on effect in Scotland as well. 

The open letter to David Cameron from the nine welfare organisations reminded the government that its own draft bill has already been published, and has been reviewed by a Select Committee of MPs. The Government’s own draft legislation notes “There is little or no educational, conservational, research or economic benefit derived from wild animals in travelling circuses that might justify their use and the loss of their ability to behave naturally as a wild animal.”
The UK government has been promising legislation for England since 2012 but the expected Bill failed to materialise in the Queen’s Speech at the start of this session.

Thanks to our splendid supporters who sent messages to both David Cameron and Nick Clegg to protest at this failure, government Ministers can be in absolutely no doubt about the strength of public opinion on this issue and it is hoped that time will be found to support the latest Bill in time for implementation by December next year.

If you haven’t already sent a message to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, you can send an up-to-date message direct now.

Out of 25 to 30 circuses that currently tour the UK, there are two, both based in England, that still use 20 or so wild animals such as camels, llamas, reindeer, zebras and big cats.  The last thing we want to see is more animals being brought into these circuses, due to delays with the legislation.

Read the animal protection groups’ letter (PDF)

Read the OneKind briefing for Scottish MPs (PDF)

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