OneKind blog
Category: campaigns
Unnecessary primate use in experiments must end

28 July 2011
Last year in Britain, 2,649 monkeys – marmosets, tamarins and macaques – were used in scientific procedures regulated by the Home...
Say NO to animal cloning

21 July 2011
OneKind has signed the Declaration against cloning of animals for food launched by the EU lobbying coalition Eurogroup for...
Minister aims to reduce the use of animals in scientific research and end household product testing

18 July 2011
The UK government has taken a step towards meeting its commitment to reduce testing on animals. Home Office Minister Lynne Featherstone MP...
Over 30,000 calling for 8-hour limit on animal transportation

14 July 2011
The good news is that over 30,000 Britons have signed the “8 Hours” petition calling for an end to the long-distance transport of animals...
Animal experiments increase – again

13 July 2011
Figures released today by the Home Office demonstrate that there is a still a massive – and growing – problem with the use of animals in...
Sentient whales should be treated ethically

11 July 2011
This is the message OneKind and the rest of the Whalewatch coalition are sending to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) which is meeting...
MPs defy the government on circus ban

24 June 2011
Tory MP Mark Pritchard may not have many friends left at Number 10, but he has drawn praise from public and politicians alike after standing firm on...
Our chance to make sure the UK doesn’t turn back the clock on cruelty

16 June 2011
The UK Government has launched a consultation inviting views on protection for animals used in experiments in the UK. Last year the European...
Scottish Minister open to banning wild animal circuses

13 June 2011
Scotland could “go it alone” and ban the use of wild animals in circuses. And when there are so many happy human performers –...
OneKind hosts human circus at Holyrood

09 June 2011
On 9 June OneKind celebrated the talents of human circus performers with a demonstration of skills outside the public entrance to the Scottish...