OneKind blog
Category: animals
Remember and Honour Them All

08 November 2014
In a year when we have been commemorating the centenary of the First World War and remembering the sacrifice made by many humans, there has been an...
Grouse shooting opens to industry spin

12 August 2014
The press and media are full today of predictions of a bumper year for grouse shooting, as the season opens. Plenty of healthy well-feathered...
39Days4Rosa – because Labelling Matters

31 July 2014
Have you heard the one about the giant chicken, 21 countries and 39 days? It may sound like the start of a bad joke but this is in fact the basis of...
Animal welfare and human health – reasons to protect antibiotics

09 July 2014
Last week, David Cameron announced a new expert review of the antibiotic resistance crisis. But nothing was said about the risks to human health from...
EU Parliament elections

21 May 2014
A number of supporters have asked our advice on who to vote for in tomorrows EU Parliament elections. As a charity OneKind can’t support any...
FAWC seeks views on CCTV in slaughterhouses

29 April 2014
The welfare of farm animals at slaughter in the United Kingdom is a major concern for OneKind supporters and many members of the public. Undercover...
Test tube procedure gives UK first cloned puppy

10 April 2014
According to the Dogs Trust there were almost 112,000 stray dogs in the UK in 2013 which is just one of the many reasons why the news that Britain has...
Tragic inevitability of latest zoo deaths

26 March 2014
News came yesterday of lions killed at Copenhagen Zoo. We may deplore the latest announcement that captive wild animals held in a European zoo have...
Greek law on animal performances stands unchanged

03 February 2014
Animal welfare organisations pull together to champion ban on dolphin shows. As a member of Eurogroup for Animals, OneKind was pleased to respond to...
Remembering animals in war

08 November 2013
Author Clare Campbell tells the story of the plight of domestic pets and zoo animals during WW11 in her new book Bonzo's War: Animals Under Fire 1939...