EU Parliament elections

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21 May 2014

A number of supporters have asked our advice on who to vote for in tomorrows EU Parliament elections.

As a charity OneKind can’t support any political party and we wouldn’t tell anyone how to vote. Here are a selection of the UK and Scottish manifestos, reading them may help you to make your choice. Some of them are specifically about animal welfare (eg the Animal Welfare party or the SNP animal welfare manifesto), others contain specific references to animal welfare, while coverage in the rest is slight or non-existent – or else we couldn’t find a published manifesto!

Animal Welfare Party - Party agenda entirely based on animal welfare – as the name suggests!

UK Greens - Dedicated animal welfare manifesto

Scottish Greens - Comprehensive coverage of animal welfare issues within main manifesto

SNP - SNP animal welfare priorities set out, some crossover with Eurogroup pledge for animals

Scottish Conservative - Two references to animal welfare with pledge to work to improve animal welfare standards and ensure that rules are properly enforced throughout the EU

UK Conservative -Same as Scottish manifesto on animal welfare

UK Labour - No mention of animal welfare

UKIP - No mention of animal welfare

Liberal Democrats - Support for new comprehensive animal welfare law to promote the highest possible standards of animal welfare across the European Union. This would address wildlife trafficking into the European Union, and establish minimum standards on the breeding and sale of cats and dogs.

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