OneKind blog

Remember them all

Fiona Newton's avatar
Fiona Newton
08 November 2015

At a time of year when we think about those who have fought and died in conflict, more and more people are beginning to also acknowledge the sacrifice...

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remembrance poppies

Severe suffering in UK animal tests revealed

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23 October 2015

Statistics released by the Home Office on Thursday 22 October reveal for the first time the levels of pain, suffering and distress experienced by...

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lab rabbit

This is why we need to put a stop to keeping primates as pets

Harry Huyton's avatar
Harry Huyton
02 October 2015

A white-faced capucin monkey once threw what looked like a sweetcorn husk at me. I was walking in the rainforest in beautiful Costa Rica and the...

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capucin monkey

Scotland wildlife crime report shows fox hunting ban needs strengthening

Harry Huyton's avatar
Harry Huyton
01 October 2015

Yesterday, the Scottish Government published their 2013-2014 report on wildlife crime. The headline is that there has been a reduction in reported...

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Seal licence regime must be strengthened

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01 September 2015

Over two hundred “rogues” killed last year. Numerous press articles on seal shooting in the last two days, such as this by Rob Edwards in...

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Sometimes the evidence is too hard to stomach

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27 August 2015

As a campaigner I'm often heard banging on about how important it is to have evidence to back up campaigns to strengthen our case for change for the...

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Majority of SnareWatch cases are unintended victims

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28 July 2015

This time of year is definitely by far the worst for snaring incidents as sporting estates ramp up their predator control ahead of the game bird...

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Westminster hunting vote delayed but not abandoned

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14 July 2015

A vote on relaxing the Hunting Act planned for Wednesday has been postponed after the SNP said it would oppose the changes. The UK government's...

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Let’s align with animal welfare

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13 July 2015

Curious claims about England and Wales hunting amendments Like animal welfare organisations and compassionate individuals the length and breadth of...

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Shock collars - the shocking truth

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07 July 2015

Being a campaigner can be extremely frustrating at times, particularly with certain issues that seem repeatedly to take one step forward and three...

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead