OneKind blog

New chapter in circus saga

Harry Huyton's avatar
Harry Huyton
11 February 2016

OneKind urges MPs to take every chance stand up for circus animals and press for these outmoded entertainments to be consigned to history, once and...

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Annie the circus elephant

Dam poor show on Tayside - OneKind calls for immediate protection for beavers

Harry Huyton's avatar
Harry Huyton
02 February 2016

Disturbing information has emerged over the last week about the killing of beavers in the Tayside area leading us to call for urgent protection for...

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Fox hunting review – a welcome step towards a ‘more civilised’ Scotland

Harry Huyton's avatar
Harry Huyton
29 January 2016

Scotland's fox hunting review is not political posturing as some have claimed. It's an important step forward in addressing the fact that we have a...

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91% of dog trainers surveyed agree – Scotland should ban shock collars

's avatar

25 January 2016

OneKind is responding to the Scottish Government’s consultation on whether electronic training devices for dogs and cats should be banned or...

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E-collars – Who wouldn’t be shocked?

's avatar

11 December 2015

Ok, here we go…3…2…1… Pressing the button, I instantly feel a needle like sensation stabbing into my arm. My fingers...

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OneKind welcomes exotic pet trade debate

Harry Huyton's avatar
Harry Huyton
09 December 2015

The exotic pet trade is growing, and with it so are our concerns over the welfare of the animals involved, and the potential impacts it is having on...

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My vegan inspiration

Fiona Newton's avatar
Fiona Newton
03 December 2015

Like most people, as a child, I had a soft spot for animals, between taking home the odd stray cat, dog or occasional mouse and speaking out against...

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Cow and calf

Should the tail docking ban be weakened?

Harry Huyton's avatar
Harry Huyton
01 December 2015

Tail docking was banned in Scotland in 2006. Since then, thousands if not tens of thousands of dogs have kept their tails when they would otherwise...

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docked cocker spaniel

OneKind welcomes review of wildlife crime sentencing

Harry Huyton's avatar
Harry Huyton
19 November 2015

OneKind  has strongly welcomed recommendations to deal with wildlife offences in Scotland. The recommendations were published in a report of the...

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Fox hunting in Scotland - Campaign update

Harry Huyton's avatar
Harry Huyton
10 November 2015

Last month we asked you to support our campaign to close the loopholes in the law that allow fox hunting to continue in Scotland. One and a half...

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fox cub

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Saving Scotland's Foxes with Hessilhead