OneKind blog
Category: news
Remember and Honour Them All

08 November 2014
In a year when we have been commemorating the centenary of the First World War and remembering the sacrifice made by many humans, there has been an...
Not so cheap and easy at £865!

28 October 2014
The pro-snaring lobby go to great lengths to put a good old glossy PR spin on their need to retain snares as a part of their ‘toolkit for the...
Proposed Scottish SPCA powers crucial to wildlife investigations

28 August 2014
OneKind has urged the allocation of new investigative powers to the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Scottish SPCA), to aid...
Three priorities for New Environment Secretary

15 July 2014
OneKind congratulates Liz Truss MP on her appointment as the UK Environment Secretary. The Department that she leads, DEFRA, has responsibility for...
Number of experiments on animals in Great Britain rises again

10 July 2014
OneKind and other animal welfare organisations are shocked by the continued upward trend in experimentation, when alternatives to animal experiments...
Animal welfare and human health – reasons to protect antibiotics

09 July 2014
Last week, David Cameron announced a new expert review of the antibiotic resistance crisis. But nothing was said about the risks to human health from...
The Culling Cycle

11 June 2014
Don‘t know what sparked my interest in rats. May have been reading James Herbert’s The Rats as a teenager. Or more likely the joy when I...
Animals make their mark in Scottish Parliament

16 May 2014
A successful week of Celebrating Animals in the Scottish Parliament culminated in an assurance from the Cabinet Secretary responsible for animal...
Tragic inevitability of latest zoo deaths

26 March 2014
News came yesterday of lions killed at Copenhagen Zoo. We may deplore the latest announcement that captive wild animals held in a European zoo have...
Pile ‘em high approach to chicken farming ignores welfare codes

03 March 2014
An article in the Sunday Herald this weekend highlights a disturbing development in the broiler chicken industry. Journalist Rob Edwards investigated...